I the underwritten Jn Morley do agree to pay unto Wm Russell esq on or before the 1.1. next ensuing the date hereof the sum of 1095li for the purchase of all and singular of the freehold and copyhold lands and premises hereafter mentioned viz of the messuage and farm called New House in Earls Colne in the county of Essex with all the lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging now in the tenure or occupation of me the said Jn Morley and also of two cottages in Colne Engaine with lands thereunto belonging now or late in the occupation of Wm Emery and Geo Wade and also for the purchase of the lands called Bridgemans now or late in the occupation of Thos Wash he the said Wm Russell at my costs and charges making me a good title to the same and I the underwritten Wm Russell do agree at the costs and charges of the said Jn Morley to convey and surrender or cause and to procure all and singular of the premises above mentioned to be conveyed and surrendered unto the said Jn Morley or any other person or persons and their heirs free from all encumbrances except the quit rents as he the said Jn Morley shall appoint item it is agreed that the said Wm Russell shall receive the rents and profits of all the said premises for until michaelmas next ensuing the date hereof and that he the said Jn Morley shall allow and pay to the said Wm Russell interest from michaelmas day next after the rat e of 4li percent per annum for the said sum of 1095li until such time as the said purchase money shall be paid to the said Wm Russell and to bind this agreement I the said Jn Morley hath paid to the said Wm Russell 1li1s in part of the said purchase money as witness our hands this 27.9.1733 witness Dan Russell Peter Storer Wm Russell Jn Morley