Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr29)

16.3.1736 (Tuesday 16 March 1736)

document 36700697

at this court found that on 7.5.1735 Jn Percivall of London gentleman and Ann his wife did surrender by the hands of Solomon Grimston gentleman deputy steward the said Ann being first solely examined and consenting all their customary lands etc to the use of Jn Percivall and Ann his wife and their assigns for the term of their lives and the longer liver of them and after the decease of the survivor to the use of the heirs of the body of the said Ann by the said Jn begotten and for default of such issue to the use of such persons and estates as the said Ann Percivall with or without the consent of her husband by her last will shall appoint and for defect of such declaration to the use of the said Ann and her heirs forever