Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr1)

16.5.1502 (Monday 16 May 1502)

document 53500800

and at this court the lord granted out of his hands to Jn Harvy Thos London and Jn Ayleward one tenement called The George lying in the aforesaid Colne to whom there is free seisin by the rod to hold to the same said Jn Thos and Jn their heirs and assigns to the use of the said Jn Harvy his heirs and assigns at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by making and returning thereof the rents fines and customs thereunto belonging and accustomed upon the following condition viz that if the aforesaid Jn Harvy should pay or cause to be paid to Jn Eyres prior of the aforesaid Colne or his assigns at the feast of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary next following after the date of this court 20s and at the feast of michaelmas next following after that 5s and at the feast of easter next following after that 5s and at the feast of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary following after that 20s and at the feast of michaelmas following after that 5s and at the feast of easter following after that 5s and at the feast of xmas after that to Thos Hunt or his attorney 25s and at the feast of easter following after that 5s and thus by paying to the said Thos 30s in the next year following and pay the aforesaid Jn Eyres or his attorney in form following (very unclear from here) viz at the annunciation 25.3.1505 20s and at the annunciation following 20s and to pay at the annunciation year by year until 6li is paid and for non payment the surrender to be void