Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

15.11.1644 (Friday 15 November 1644)

document 70000395

15. This day gods good providence was towards our town in general it being a boisterous high wind and towards James Niccols in particular, whose servant brewing and having such steam in the kitchen being gone out it fired, burnt vehemently, begun to kindle in the boards and woodwork but it being espied it was timely through gods mercy quenched and stayed.

Three of my parishioners. Rob: Carter , John Read . Rich: Appleton gathered up Michaelmas quarter; instead of 5li. they brought me 3li.0s.1d. divers refuse to pay. divers used them crossly. insomuch as they were much discouraged. I am beholden to them yet for their particular love./