Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

16.3.1645 (Sunday 16 March 1645)

document 70000685

March 16: This week god was good to my wife and little ones in their health and in many other mercies, and to me in particular, yet I was exercised with a pose and great cold, yet no so bad as formerly, and god might justly have exercised me withal, I have not walked answerable to mercy receive (me) Lord you know my failings in rich mercy forgive them unto me; on the Lords day I moved for one Wade to repair his house: god opened the hearts of divers we collected 18 or 19s. some not only gave (not) but spoke against it, oh Lord give me a spirit never to shut up my bowels from my brethren in distress, the Lord was good to me on the Sabbath, for which his name be blessed for ever,