Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

18.1.1647 (Monday 18 January 1647)

document 70002250

18: Went down to Gaines Colne, present at giving possessions of land, the manner thus any one cuts up a clod and stick, and sticks it in the clod, the man that is in possession remains alone in the ground, he to whom he delivers possession enters to him to whom he delivers the clod and so possession of the whole according to agreement, then he comes forth and leaves the other in possession who then presently comes out: Memorandum that Robt. Potter is the pay to Mr Nicholson the surplus of the years rent for the fen deducting the Parliaments taxes if he do not redeem it and upon that condition received 4d. of him. when I came home mine and my parents old friend Mr Dixon came to see me, my young hopes Mr Rich: pretty cheerful, a wonderful dark night.