19: this morning my water mended, the colour was more to citron than ever formerly and clearer as if the humour were indifferently well digested. the lord be praised, who gives me in some measure to be content with his dealing, and to submit to his hand; he knows what is best for me, and therefore his will be done. presently the child was as if it had fallen asleep, the sickness was very strong, and that cannot but move bowels, but you shall go my infant into the land of rest, where there is no sickness nor childhood but all perfection everyone expected its death, but it revived again, blessed be my god. and give us hope of its recovery: this day I went down below stairs, in the afternoon my nose bled about a spoonful.
the day before and this my son was very still and quiet; in the last night very ill: at night I ate some oysters which I desired