Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

14.5.1648 (Sunday 14 May 1648)

document 70003350

May: 14: This week the Lord was good and merciful to me, and to mine in our peace preservation, health of myself, and family: the lord good and merciful to us in good and comfortable tidings out of Wales, in quelling the power there in arms in such a sad time, when all the Country cried out against the parliament, and army and mutinies were in most places, plundering honest men, and continual threatenings against such. mens minds exceedingly enraged; all the base false reports raised that could be to dishearten good men, and to encourage multitudes of base books written to stir up to sedition, and render the parliament odious to the kingdom: truly words cannot convey to the understanding of men, the ability to judge what the times were(.) god was good and merciful to me in the Sabbath, in giving me strength and ability for the same, he in mercy accept me and pardon me for his holy names sake:.