Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

29.7.1649 (Sunday 29 July 1649)

document 70004275

July: 29: this week the lord was good and merciful to me and mine, in our peace, health plenty, my wheezing and cold finally over, my navel continues well, the praise of it be given to my god; perfect my mercy oh lord therein, I most humbly entreat thee; god has abundantly satisfied the earth with rain, wherein he has fully answered our prayers, and I think we have had rather more rain than other places about us: I was abroad at Melford on the business of Glensford, did no good therein, I saw a sad divided town: I saw the ruins of that great plundered out desolate without inhabitant, the lord was good to me in the hopes of my childrens learning, the Lord perfect every mercy for me; this week our news was sad for Ireland, no forces gone and Tredah, and Trim, and Carickfergus, and Carlingford lost; Dundalke besieged, and also Dublin close besieged by the enemy, Cromwell not yet ready to go over, published this day an order for a day of humiliation to seek to god, for a blessing on the forces designed for Ireland, gods providence has been very good towards me I have paid since last year I was plundered already full 40li. which I ought and I have paid 15li. on a purchase, and hope through gods goodness to pay of shortly twenty pounds more; the lord good to me in carrying me forth in the duties of the Sabbath, the lord in much mercy accept me, and delight in me that I may praise his most holy and precious name, John Burton came home from London cut of the stone, his life spared, his wound healed, I hope cured, answered very sweetly in our prayers, the lord still help us to pray and carry on our spirits to all thy purposes until they are accomplished.