23. my wife and I rested comfortably, I have a boil on my hip, which pains me the lord I know orders it for good to me, my Mary rested very little the night past, yet she knew me in the morning, the Lord was good to me in the thoughts of the morning, I went to him in his word for something to live on this day and I lay at catch waiting what he would touch my heart with, and in reading these texts spoke to me. Psal. 31. 15. worms, and weakness can do nothing to my babe further than god commissions them, 22. 24. apt I am to fear my babe, but god will give me strength to trust in him, psal. 32. v. 1. 6. happiness is not in the ways of the vain creature, but in the mercies of the living god. v. 7. psal. 33. 18. 19. v. gods mercy reaches to deliver the soul from death.