Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

4.12.1650 (Friday 4 December 1650)

document 70005345

4: Set this day apart for a day of fasting and prayer, to seek god for his blessings and grace in and through christ for me, and all mine, to make me instrumental for his glory in all my relations and employments, and that he would be my hiding place in all troubles, especially to discover to me, what he is about to do in these days, and that not for my sake, nor for any honour or advantage to myself, but that I might serve him, and his christ therein,

The Revelation contains a prophesy concerning the church, and the state thereof not only meet to be known, but wherein lies a great happiness, Revel. 1. 3. lord how shall I keep it except I know it, and how shall I know it except thou show thy mind to thy servant, for this end I read, and meditate of these things and compare them with the rest of thy word, and use the labour of thy servants, and join supplications and fastings. Hosea. 14. 9. wisdom and prudence is required to know thy ways, and righteousness to talk in them, lord I would know them for this end I might walk in them to thy honour. Lord you are the god of wisdom, give it me up for thy mercy sake in christ;

what is in thy pleasure to do, ought to be in our hearts to desire, and that with confidence, Psal. 25. 14 The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, Pro. 3. 32. his secret is with the righteous, and so you did to Abraham, tell him what you were about to do and so for Daniel, John. Lord the things of our age and generation discover to thy servant, or other of thy servants for thy christs sake.

You blame thy people, that they know not thy judgement, Jerem. 8. 7. when the stork and crane know theirs. Isay. 1. 3. alas lord, what is my minding and considering without thy help. Lord unto thee, I lift my heart, direct me, lead me not into any error, suffer me not to be led into any for thy name sake oh my god - make a covenant of life with my sisters in the flesh my dear wife , children, servants

I found no present answer, but in one particular, hopes of one Layer , awakened by the word who was with me, and in the morning called up and acquainted by Mr Harl. who was sent for to Cambridge Chelmsford; that the Norfolk business was somewhat allayed, it being only an attempt of a few mad blades to proclaim the King. and this proved true, god showing us the rod, and telling us, what might have been done, but not letting mans rage prevail to do us the least hurt,