May. 11. This week past the lord made me not only partaker of outward mercies for me and mine but also made me sensible of his goodness to me therein. the smallpox continued in some families in this town, god yet spares me and all mine; the lord was good to me in the work of the Sabbath, my heart was very much out of frame, yet the word was lively to me, the lord was good to me in restraining many former follies though I find a core of evil in my heart, the mercy of god was good in the season in abundant rains yet cold. in the lives of our friends continued, my dear wife very ill, yet cheerful. my navel was moist this week, I had a little red pimple thereabouts, I expounded the 13. and 14. chapter of Judges; its reported that the Irish and the Duke of Lorraine are agreed, he is expected in June next to be with them.