Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

19.11.1651 (Wednesday 19 November 1651)

document 70006145

19. Lent Young of Halsted 3li. who was in great straits to make his rent up to his landlord, I bought off him. 4 bushels wheat at 4s.6d. the bushel;

The state of England has in a manner reduced Scotland and Ireland, what probability is their of continuing their command over them, for surely the seed of liberty will remain in those nations, if not of revenge also, and if ever our troubles and discords, or their happiness and valour of some particular person appear, they may give a turn, to destroy the nations were barbarous, to plant them with English colonies is very hard and unlikely, and Scotland will not invite our men, and yet this must be done besides good garrisons. god who has done what is done, will effect his own purpose, and therefore I leave it.