Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

16.1.1653 (Sunday 16 January 1653)

document 70007005

Jan: 16. This week the lord good to me in many mercies, my Janes ague continues but gently, the lord in due time will remove it, as going to preach heard Mr Brackly was dead, I promised to preach his funeral, its of mercy my children are not fatherless and my wife a widow he was taken suddenly with an apoplexy or numb palsy. he lay not above 3 days, lord stir me up by all to more watchfulness and close walking I pray thee. the lord was good to me in the word this day, and yet I was very backward in preparing myself thereunto, the good lord make me more intent on his work, the lord good to me in keeping my heart close to him in his ways, and in helping me to look up to him for strength, and to eye him in his paths and ways towards me.