Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

1.5.1653 (Sunday 1 May 1653)

document 70007255

May: 1: The week past god good to me and mine, the weather very dry, speaking a drought, yet the field does not much rain, water exceeding scare, all quiet everywhere notwithstanding this great change at hand, most serious men are silent under it, as being an evil time, many rejoice; the lord stays up my heart to rely on him, and leave the issue of all things to him, who takes care for us, it was general discourse now down go the Ministers, but why should we fear to suffer if god please to have it so. I find my base inward vain thoughts, deadness, and straitness of spirit on me, with a very slothful common heart. lord how long! I cry, and yet, how long! this day it dewed a little the former heat abated, and the earth refreshed, the lord was good to me this day in the work of the Sabbath for which I bless and praise his holy name,