Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

23.3.1656 (Sunday 23 March 1656)

document 70009160

March. 23. God good to me, my little ones very ill with a fierce and troublesome cough that is too hard for means that we can use, the cure is in god, and their seeking I will wait, this morning I dreamed I was in our church, broke bread, went not home to dinner, (my wife I thought minded me not), standing up in my desk for afternoon service, I was without a band, and ashamed. I put on a surplice, still ashamed. I stooped down and put a handkerchief about my neck (to conceal my wives neglect) I began to sing, but could not read the psalms, nor sing, nor none sing with me, the book was a strangers(,) I laboured for my own bible but could not come by it, god was good to me in the words and peace of this day, gave notice of the fast next Friday.