Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

24.8.1656 (Sunday 24 August 1656)

document 70009565

Aug: 24: god was good to me and mine in many outward mercies, my wife better, and so my An . god perfect their healths, and heal all infirmities in them, the season very hot and dry, an excellent season for their hops: my heart very dull and unaffected everywhere in prayer, lord in christ pardon it in me, I entreat thee, heard together That the Venetians have given the Turks a mighty overthrow at sea. - the Swedes have routed the Polanders and retaken Warsow. the spaniards taken Conde town. - the Emp. army on their March for Italy. the English attempt and burning the Spanish ships at Malaga. the choice of members for parliament this news arrived to us in one week. with a report that at Breme a voice was heard in the air. Woe. Woe. Woe. in the afternoon my heart and affections were up for the glory of god in my people, that they might not slight christ and be rejected by him from it.