Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)

22.11.1668, 4.12.1668 (Sunday 22 November 1668)

document 70015990

Nov. 22. dry after rain. a prisoner this day. god gives me hope and strength, and I shall see hope in John for lord be you his root and then he shall prosper.

Baptized publicly a child of John Cobs .

/after illness Dec: 4: from 3 of the clock till about 5 I apprehended by the pains in both my sides, that those small ribs were full of phlegm, and began to close upon me and would end me within 48 hours. I had been indifferent to die and in this illness had not heartily begged my life of god, this appeared to me a great cruelty to my babes(,) I set myself to prayer. use of means at hand. rubbing stirring tossing a great book, I perceived it wind, I was very well till I went to bed, and then that wind came as if it would have choked me, rubbing and warmth gave me ease and since I have sensible recovery: yet I am bound. I sneeze not, my nose runs not, I have great hopes of perfect recovery, and that I shall serve god in bringing up my little ones.