whereas at a court held for the said manor 26.12.1639 Rich Nevill gentleman was admitted tenant to him and his heirs to certain customary lands called Hobstevens containing by estimation 23a more or less and whereas at a court held for the said manor 16.1.1655 it was presented by the homage that the said Rich Nevill since the then last court died thereof so seised without heir of his body but who were his next heirs the homage knew not and thereupon because after proclamation thrice made according to the custom of the said manor none came to be admitted tenant to the said premises the bailiff of the said manor was commanded to seize the said lands into the lord's hands etc and seizure was made accordingly and whereas at a court held for the said manor 2.1.1656 none came after the second proclamation thrice made according to the custom of the said manor to take the said lands out of the lord's hands and to be admitted tenant to the same the said seizure was continued now at this court it was presented by the homage that Mary the wife of Jn Morley gentleman Eliz Nevill Grisil the wife of Hen Weales gentleman Bridget Nevill and Margt the wife of Math Butcher the younger gentleman are sisters and coheirs of the said Rich and all of them of their full age of twenty-one years and thereupon the said Mary Eliz Grisil Bridget and Margt being present in court agreed with the lord for the discharge of the said seizure and for their fines and desired to be admitted tenants to the said lands to which said Mary Eliz Grisel Bridget and Margt the lord of the said manor by his said steward did grant and deliver thereof seisin by the rod to have and to hold the said lands called Hobstevens with the appurtenances to the said Mary Eliz Grisel Bridget and Margt and to their heirs and assigns forever in coparcenary of the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents services and customs for the same due and of right accustomed and they gave to the lord for their fine and so were admitted tenants