at a court held 26.3.1689 Thos Biggsby was admitted to him and his heirs to one tenement with garden adjoining plus appurtenances called Firman Tylers and at last court it appeared said Thos late died seised at a court held 28.3.1694 it appeared that said Thos surrendered all his customary lands and tenements held of this manor to the use of his last will in writing now to this court comes Jeremiah Biggsby and produced in court last will of said Thos dated 15.6.1693 the tenor of which is in following english words item I give unto Jeremiah my brother's son and his heirs and assigns forever all my copyhold tenement with the yards gardens orchards and appurtenances to the same belonging which I lately purchased of Jn Amey who petitions of the lord to be admitted etc the lord granted delivery of seisin by the rod etc the said premises fealty respited