Date Index - 1689

1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202113
Burial register 1680 to 16998402451 8402459 8402470 8402502 8402515
8402539 8402643
Marriage register 1680 to 16999100102 9100110
Colne Priory Manor: Index of Admissions(35901263) (35901529) (35901697) (35902190)
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls(40800648)
Freehold Titles32100401
Colne Priory Manor: Fine Book23801778 23801786 23801800 23801808 23801817
Earls Colne Manor: Fine Book24300544 24300557 24300570 24300583 24300605
24300616 24300630 24300644 24300657 24300672
Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory(80000315) (80000885)
Quarter Sessions: Association Roll(21700005)
Exchequer Bills and Answers(18700243)
Friday 11 January 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402317
Saturday 12 January 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402317)
Monday 14 January 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202146
Tuesday 29 January 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201924
Sunday 17 February 1689Baptism register 1680 to 1699(7201900)
Wednesday 20 February 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201900
Friday 1 March 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402363
Wednesday 6 March 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402326
Saturday 9 March 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402363)
Thursday 14 March 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201913
Tuesday 19 March 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402337
Wednesday 20 March 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402346
Saturday 23 March 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402337) (8402346) 8402355
Monday 25 March 1689Freehold Titles(28300111)
Tuesday 26 March 1689Colne Priory Manor: Index of Admissions35900091 35900111 35900139 35900160 35900197
Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls40101039 40101043 40101071 40101141 40101142
40101147 40101151 40101177 40101232 40101243
40101291 40101316 40101325 40101361 40101389
40101428 40101489 40101524 40101550 40101591
40101615 (40200636) (40400900) (40600562) (41000216)
Thursday 28 March 1689Baptism register 1700 to 1709(7301147)
Freehold Titles28300160
Friday 29 March 1689Baptism register 1700 to 1709(7301138)
Sunday 31 March 1689Baptism register 1680 to 1699(7202928)
Tuesday 2 April 1689Quaker Monthly Meeting9300272
Thursday 11 April 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201935
Archdeaconry Visitations101171
Monday 15 April 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201946 7201957
Burial register 1680 to 16998402381
Saturday 20 April 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402372
Sunday 21 April 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201968
Burial register 1680 to 16998402398
Monday 22 April 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402389
Tuesday 23 April 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402372)
Wednesday 24 April 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402398)
Friday 3 May 1689Quarter Sessions Rolls(20601353)
Thursday 9 May 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402389)
Friday 10 May 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997201979 7201990 7202001
Thursday 16 May 1689Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9503364
Saturday 18 May 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402407
Monday 20 May 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402440
Tuesday 21 May 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402415
Thursday 23 May 1689Burial register 1680 to 1699(8402415) 8402424
Monday 27 May 1689Archdeaconry Visitations101177
Wednesday 12 June 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402432
Thursday 20 June 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202012 7202023 7202034 7202045 7202056
Quaker Quarterly Meeting - marriage certificates9900996
Tuesday 25 June 1689Wills5000697 6400494
Wednesday 26 June 1689Quaker Monthly Meeting9300209
Monday 8 July 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402478
Tuesday 16 July 1689Quarter Sessions Process Books of Indictments21100193
Quarter Sessions Rolls20601353
Friday 19 July 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202080
Burial register 1680 to 16998402486
Saturday 20 July 1689Wills5000894 6400517
Thursday 25 July 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402494
Tuesday 30 July 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202091
Sunday 4 August 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202102
Quaker Monthly Meeting - births9601021
Tuesday 6 August 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402507
Friday 16 August 1689Wills5001144
Monday 19 August 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402523
Tuesday 10 September 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402531
Sunday 29 September 1689Exchequer Bills and Answers(18700288)
Monday 30 September 1689Wills5000281 6400527
Archdeaconry Visitations101174
Wednesday 2 October 1689Quaker Monthly Meeting(9300198)
Friday 4 October 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402547
Sunday 6 October 1689Quaker Monthly Meeting9300198
Tuesday 8 October 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202124 7202135
Burial register 1680 to 16998402555 8402563
Thursday 17 October 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402571
Tuesday 22 October 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402579
Tuesday 5 November 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402587
Saturday 9 November 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402595
Sunday 10 November 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202154
Tuesday 19 November 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202159 7202170 7202181
Burial register 1680 to 16998402606
Tuesday 1 December 1689Apprenticeship Indentures11800064
Wednesday 2 December 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402614
Sunday 13 December 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402622 8402651
Monday 14 December 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402627
Wednesday 16 December 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202192
Wills5001135 5001220 6400547 6400559
Wednesday 23 December 1689Burial register 1680 to 16998402635
Tuesday 29 December 1689Baptism register 1680 to 16997202200 7202211