Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr82)

8.4.1701 (Tuesday 8 April 1701)

document 40600562

at a court held 26.3.1689 Jn Garret was admitted to him and his heirs to one tenement with garden with appurtenances called Cloviers or otherwise now in separate occupation Sara Garret Mary Layer (may be Mary Layer) widow and Mary Marryage now at this court appears etc said Jn 4.9.last past surrendered by rod into hand of lord by hand of Geo Toller instead of the bailiff in presence of Gilb Smith gentleman and Edw Johnson two customary tenants etc said premises with appurtenances and all his customary lands tenements and hereditaments held of the manor to use Joseph Bayly of Stystead yeoman his heirs and assigns forever Joseph with Sam Burton in role of attorney or deputy etc admitted to etc said premises fealty respited