1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201511 |
| Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401659 |
| Earls Colne Manor: Fine Book | 24300500 |
Monday 4 January 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401642 |
Wednesday 6 January 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | (8401642) |
Tuesday 19 January 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401667 |
Wednesday 27 January 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201423 |
Friday 5 February 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401651 |
Saturday 13 February 1686 | Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls | (40100725) |
Wednesday 17 February 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201434 |
Thursday 25 February 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201445 7201456 |
Sunday 28 February 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401678 |
Wednesday 3 March 1686 | Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls | (40101591) |
Thursday 4 March 1686 | Quaker Quarterly Meeting - marriage certificates | 9900005 |
Sunday 7 March 1686 | Quaker Quarterly Meeting - marriage certificates | 9900070 |
Tuesday 9 March 1686 | Colne Priory Manor Court Rolls | 35801740 35801744 35801772 35801773 35801774
35801788 35801836 35801876 35801927 35801937
35801953 (36201507) |
| Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls | 40100558 40100562 40100590 40100591 40100592
40100606 40100612 40100618 40100624 40100630
40100646 40100647 40100692 40100725 40100774
40100863 (40101489) (40300292) (40500578) |
Wednesday 10 March 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401689 |
Friday 12 March 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | (8401689) |
Saturday 13 March 1686 | Assize Indictments | (14200312) |
Monday 15 March 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401698 |
Wednesday 17 March 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401707 |
Friday 19 March 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201467 |
Friday 26 March 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201478 |
Wednesday 31 March 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | (8401698) (8401707) |
Sunday 4 April 1686 | Quaker Monthly Meeting | 9300170 |
Thursday 15 April 1686 | Archdeaconry Visitations | 101078 |
Tuesday 20 April 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201489 |
Thursday 29 April 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401731 |
Saturday 1 May 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | (8401731) |
Tuesday 4 May 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401743 |
Thursday 6 May 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | (8401743) |
Tuesday 18 May 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201500 |
Thursday 20 May 1686 | Archdeaconry Visitations | 101095 101100 |
Thursday 10 June 1686 | Quarter Sessions Rolls | (20601204) |
Tuesday 15 June 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201522 |
Thursday 17 June 1686 | Marriage register 1680 to 1699 | 9100078 |
Friday 25 June 1686 | Chancery Depositions | 17200005 |
Saturday 26 June 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401758 |
Friday 9 July 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401772 |
Monday 12 July 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401783 |
| Assize Indictments | 14200312 |
Thursday 15 July 1686 | Quarter Sessions Rolls | 20601204 |
Tuesday 20 July 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201533 |
Friday 23 July 1686 | Freehold Titles | (32800581) |
Tuesday 27 July 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201544 |
Tuesday 3 August 1686 | Archdeaconry Visitations | 101105 101111 101119 101125 101128
Wednesday 8 September 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401794 |
Thursday 9 September 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401821 |
Monday 4 October 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401805 |
Sunday 10 October 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201555 |
Thursday 14 October 1686 | Burial register 1680 to 1699 | 8401813 |
Friday 22 October 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201566 |
Sunday 14 November 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201577 |
| Quaker Quarterly Meeting - marriage certificates | 9900168 |
Wednesday 24 November 1686 | Quaker Quarterly Meeting - marriage certificates | 9900234 |
Thursday 25 November 1686 | Quaker Monthly Meeting - births | 9503273 |
Tuesday 30 November 1686 | Baptism register 1680 to 1699 | 7201585 |
Saturday 23 December 1686 | Freehold Titles | (32800581) |