Essex sessions whereas there has been a horrid and detestable conspiracy formed and carried on by papists and other wicked and traitorous persons for assassinating his majesty's royal person in order to encourage and invasion from France to subvert our religion laws and liberty we whose names are hereunto subscribed do heartily sincerely and solemnly profess testify and declare that his present majesty king William is rightful and lawful king of these realms and we do mutually promise and engage to stand by and assist each other to the utmost of our power in the support and defence of his majesty's most sacred person and government against the late king James and all his adherents and in case his majesty come to any violence or untimely death which god forbid we do hereby further freely and unanimously oblige ourselves to unite associate and stand by each other in revenging the same upon his enemies and their adherents and in supporting and defending the succession of the cr own according to an act made in the 1WmM1 entitled an act declaring the rights and liberties of the subject and settling the succession of the crown (illegible may be date) Jn Cressener Geo Toller Hen Abbutt junior Gilb Smith Edw Abbutt junior Wm Floyd Splandin Vangaver Ed Johnson Hen Hatch Jn Hatch Thos Piper Dan Nightingel Thos Osborne Sam Burton Isaac Potter Jn Pattrick though I cannot fight I own true subjection to the king and his government and to that I freely subscribe Hen Abbutt senior Wm Emberson Rich Wright Jn Newton Rich Bridge Thos Tyffin Jn Last senior Jn Last junior Han Rogers Jn Sparrow senior Isaac Blumfill Jn Crow Wm Sucklin Thos Paine Dan Cobs Sallmon Stevens Robt Harris Jn King (may be Jn King) Jn Fletcher Thos Sakins Jn Sparrow junior Robt Potter Simon Overall Wm Agars Rich Caplin Jas Savill Andrew Canne Geo Wade Geo Man (may be Geo Man) Wm Shugbrough Zoobryoos Joenock Wm Boolach Hen Goulldston Wm Fosset Edw Pertre Francis Booland Jn Smeth Wm Tifen Thos Appleton Thos Andros Walt Pes Jn Whit Jn Pes Jn Fell (may be Jn Fell) Jn Lowe Esdras Wade Thos Hutton Geo Man (may be Geo Man) Wm Hut Guy Pennock Jn Boosbie Jn Wisstow Hen Bennet Rich Edward Thos Hide Elethen Medellton Wm Batman Thos Fuller Jn Laier Thos Catle Wm Prentis Peter Door Barth Hach Caleb Maisant Robt Ward Edm Osborn Jn Larret Robt Godfrey Peter Raven Jn Bullock Jn Coobs Dan Rogers Jn Goslen Robt Huton Thos Allgates Jn Allgtes Jn Cooke (may be Jn Cooke) Jn Cowell Sam Unwin Rich Beedle Raf Rash Nath King Maththu Bichfork Francis Cresp Jn Sadd Thos Rainer Ny Peortre Wm Peotre Jn Fell (may be Jn Fell) Rich Abraham Oliver Jn Paine Abraham Chrismas Roger Roote Ben Crab Edw Paine Wm Hach Jn King Robt Hum Wm Gibbes Humf Rugels Dan Leper Jn Elles Dan London Robt Worren Joseph Sewell Jn Pratt Sam Finch Thos James Robt Smith Hen Huton Jn Eles Jn Somervell Jn Crow Rich Seleto Jn Welker Rich Hoskines Wm Boosbey Edw Werin Sander Willeston Thos Bruer Robt Haxell Wm Partre junior Edw Bosy Wm Andros Cres Partree (may be Cres Partree) Wm Downs Edw Goold Dan King Jn Medelton Jn Bowlls (may be Jn Bowlls) Esdras Partre (may be Esdras Partre) Thos Sexton Xoph Fosset (may be Xoph Fosset) Rich Fosset Wm Sexton Geo Partre Barth Asston Rich Brower Wm Howtin Thos Gray Thos Podnay Xoph Fosset (may be Xoph Fosset) Thos Garrat