this indenture made
Humph Ruggles
Thos Payne
churchwardens of Earls Colne and
Simon Overell
Wm Augar
overseers of the poor by the consent of justices of the peace whose names are hereunto subscribed have put and placed
Hester Jenner
a poor child of the said parish apprentice to
Jn Jenner
of the parish of St Giles Colchester carpenter with him to dwell and serve from the day of the date of these presents until the said apprentice shall accomplish her full age of twenty one years now aged about 10yrs according to statute etc during all which term the said apprentice her said master faithfully shall serve in all lawful business according to her power wit and ability and honestly orderly and obediently in all things demean and behave herself towards her master and all his during the said term and the said
Jn Jenner
for himself his executors and administrators doth covenant and grant the said churchwardens and overseers etc that the said
Jn Jenner
the said apprentice in the art and mystery of housewifery and all things thereto belonging shall teach and instruct or cause to be taught and instructed and shall during the term aforesaid provide sufficient meat drink apparel lodging washing and other things fit for an apprentice and also shall and will so provide for the said apprentice that she shall be not in any way a charge to the said parish or parishioners of the same but of and from all charges shall and will save the parish and parishioners harmless etc and at the end of the said term shall make provide allow and deliver unto the said apprentice double apparel of all sorts good and new that is to say a good new suit for the Holy days and another sort for working days in witness whereof the parties abovesaid to these present indentures interchangeably have put their hands and seals the day and year above written
Jn Jenner
Humph Rugels
Thos Paine
Wm Augar
Simon Overall
sealed and delivered in the presence of
Robt Wright
Peter Robinson
justices of the peace
Thos Weeley
Wm Eldred