know all men by these presents that I
Roger Poole
of Earls Colne farmer am bound to
Hen Morley
of the town of Earls Colne yeoman in 12li paid to the same
Hen Morley
or his certain attorney etc dated
the condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden
Roger Poole
his heirs executors or administrators shall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the above named
Hen Morley
his executors administrators and assigns the full and whole sum of 6li3s on
the date of these presents without any fraud or further delay then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to be and remain in full force and virtue sealed and delivered in the presence of
Rich Ficher
Jn Gray
Roger Poole
memo it is agreed between the parties above written that the said
Hen Morley
shall have all the writings and evidences concerning a certain messuage or cottage in Earls Colne lately purchased of
Jn Moule
of Hitcham which said writings were accordingly delivered at the time of the sealing and delivery of these presents and in the presence of the said witnesses containing one skin of parchment as a further security for the true payment of the abovesaid sum in manner aforesaid and which are to be redelivered to the said
Roger Poole
firm and entire and undefaced as they now are delivered upon the payment and performing the abovesaid condition sealed and delivered in the presence of
Rich Fisher
Jn Gray
Roger Poole
29.9.1688 Roger Poole to Hen Morley bond Poole' s bond for 6li to be paid