to all christian people to whomsoever this present writing shall come
Roger Poole
of Bucksell Suffolk husbandman and
his wife sendeth greeting in our lord god everlasting know ye that I the said
Roger Poole
Grace Poole
my wife for and in consideration of the full sum of 13li to us in hand paid by
Hen Morley
of Earls Colne bricklayer at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof we the said
Roger Poole
Grace Poole
doth acknowledge ourselves to be fully satisfied contented and paid and of the same and every part thereof do exonerate acquit release and discharge the said
Hen Morley
his heirs executors administrators and every of them forever hereafter by these presents as also for divers other good causes and considerations conditions and agreements hereafter to be performed and herein mentioned hath given granted bargained and sold enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully freely and absolutely give grant bargain sell and enfeoff deliver and confirm unto the said
Hen Morley
all that our freehold tenement or cottage and garden with appurtenances situate lying and being on or very near the green in Earls Colne now in the tenure or occupation of the widow
and the reversion etc and all our estate etc of us of in or to the premises and every part thereof together with all deeds evidences and writings concerning the same premises and every part thereof to have and to hold the said tenement cottage and garden with all and singular every of their appurtenances and the reversion etc and all our right etc to the same premises and every part thereof together with the said deeds evidences writings which concern the same unto the said
Hen Morley
and his heirs and assigns forever and to none other use intent or purpose whatsoever to hold of the chief lord or lords of the fee or fees by the ancient rents and services therefore to be due and of right accustomed and the said
Roger Poole
his wife doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said
Hen Morley
his heirs executors etc by these p resents that I the said
Roger Poole
my wife now is and stand at the time of the enfeoffing and delivery of these presents and at the time of the first estate to be hereupon executed seised in my own right or rights use and uses of an indefeasible estate in fee simple of and in the same premises and every part thereof discharged and acquitted of and from all and all manner of former and other bargains sales fines mortgages rents charges intails judgements extents executions and of and from all other titles and charges and incumbrances whatsoever and that I the said
Roger Poole
my wife have full power good right and lawful authority in our right or name or names to give grant bargain sell assure and convey the same premises in manner and form above mentioned and that I the said
Roger Poole
my wife our heirs and assigns and every other person and persons having or pretending to have any lawful estate right title or interest of in or unto the same premises or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter during the space and time of seven years next ensuing after the date of these presents make do suffer acknowledge execute or cause or suffer to be made done or acknowledged executed and suffered all and every such further act and acts thing and things devise and devises assurance and assurances in the law for the further and better assuring and more sure making of the aforementioned bargained premises and every part thereof with the appurtenances to the said
Hen Morley
and his heirs and assigns forever in witness whereof I the said
Roger Poole
my wife have hereunto set my hand and seal dated
Roger Poole
Grace Poole
sealed and delivered with quiet and peaceable possession had and seisin of the said tenement or cottage and garden with appurtenances was had taken and delivered according to the true intent purpose and meaning of this present deed within written in the presence of
Thos Sexton
Jn Gray