at a court held 16.10.1679 Solomon Stebbing was admitted to him and heirs to one tenement with appurtenances late in occupation Eliz Stebbing now in occupation Jn Smith in Earls Colne and at this court it appears etc that Solomon Stebbing late died seised and that he himself 3.1.last past surrendered by rod into hand of lord by hand of Solomon Grimston in place of the bailiff in presence of Gilb Smith gentleman and Jn Last two customary tenants etc all his customary tenements held of this manor to such uses as would be declared in his last will in writing and then came here into court said Solomon Grimston and produced in court the will of Solomon Stebbing dated 4.1.last in following english words item I give and bequeath unto her my said daughter Eliz and her heirs forever all and singular my freehold and copyhold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in Earls Colne and Copford in the said county of Essex and respectively holden of the several manors of Earls Colne Colne Priory and Copford with divers remainders therein separately occurring as by will plainly appears Eliz by Solomon Grimston in role of attorney or deputy humbly petitions etc admitted the said premises with appurtenances under conditions in the will of her father Solomon Stebbing are limited and expressed fealty respited