after in that court said Edw Potter and Geo Potter in part and performance of said will sold said Edw Abbutt and surrendered by rod into hands of lord by hand of said steward the messuage or tenement called by name Skinners or Kingshead and said croft of land with house late built on it with barn called Burtons Barne also Burtons Garden with right of entry and exit by gate of the said house viz from the highway leading to Colchester to said barn etc and also that tenement called Gentryes and said three crofts land containing 12a more or less called Broomecrofts and also said croft of land containing 11a with road leading from said croft for hunting and chasing and said croft late parcel of Bearecroft containing 3a more or less and rights or concessions of them all relinquishes just estate title and interest in the premises last mentioned to use of Edw Abbutt of Earls Colne gentleman his heirs and assigns forever who is present here in court and humbly petitions etc admitted the premises etc fealty respited