Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr82)

1.4.1706 (Monday 1 April 1706)

document 40800069

at a court held 16.10.1673 Robt Potter was admitted to him and heirs to all that customary messuage with garden and curtilage adjoining called Sonningwells and to all that tenement adjoining called Tabors with appurtenances situate in Earls Colne and at a court held 24.3.1696 it appeared etc said Robt 3.8.last past surrendered by the rod into hand of the lord by hand of Dan Nightingell in place of the bailiff and in presence of Geo Toller gentleman and Humph Ruggles two customary tenants etc all his customary lands tenements and hereditaments held of this manor to use to be declared in his last will now to this court it appears etc that said Robt late died seised and thereupon came here in court Rich Potter and produced the last will of said Robt dated 31.12.1705 in following english words item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Rich Potter son of my son Rich Potter and to his heirs forever all my copyhold messuage wherein I now dwell with another tenement thereto adjoining called the Weighing House with all the houses outhouses yards gardens orchards backsides and appurtenances to the said messuage or premises belonging or used together with the orchard being freehold thereunto adjoining upon this condition that the said Rich Potter my grandson and his heirs shall immediately pay the sum of 100li of lawful money for and towards the payment of my debts and also well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto my son Isaac Potter the full sum of 50li of lawful money of England in manner following that is to say 25li part thereof within one year next after my decease and 25li residue thereof within two years after my decease and if it shall happen that the said Rich Potter my grandchild shall neglect or refuse to pay the said 50li to my said son Isaac Potter according to this my will that then and in such case happening it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Isaac Potter to enter in and upon all the messuages and premises both freehold and copyhold hereby given to the said Rich Potter my grandson and the same to hold and enjoy and the rents and profits thereof to take and receive to his own use until he shall be fully paid and satisfied the said 50li and the arrears thereof and all lawful charges whereupon Rich Potter junior present here in court humbly petitions etc admitted the premises with appurtenances etc under conditions and limitations in the said will appearing fealty respited