at a court held 15.6.1663 Eliz Abbott later Toller wife of Geo Toller gentleman was admitted to her and heirs to one parcel land containing more or less then late in two parcels divided late parcel of a certain field called Lowfeild 16a lying between a meadow called Holme Meadow from one part and the highway to other part now at this court appears to homage that said Eliz Toller 1716 came before deputy steward and surrendered by rod into hand of lord by hand of deputy steward according to custom of manor said premises with appurtenances to separate uses afterwards in to use Eliz Toller and her heirs until the marriage provisionally arranged between Jn Bell of Witham in county of Essex linen draper and Thomasina Toller spinster daughter of said Eliz Toller to be solemnised and after such solemnisation to them for life and after their decease to use of said for life and after his death to use of right heirs of body of Jn Bell and Thomasina legally procreated and for lack of such to said Jn Bell and Thomasina his wife as in writing under seal is attested part or all as will be declared jointly in a true testament and for defect of such declaration or apportionment to use of heirs of Jn Bell legally procreated and for defect of such heirs to use of heirs of body or bodies of any sisters of said Thomasina procreated or to anyone of them married or single with or without the consent of her husband in and by her last will in writing under her hand and seal and for defect of any limitation etc to the right heirs of the said Thomasine forever and furthermore the said Jn Bell present in court humbly petitions of the lord and the said Thomasine for herself to be admitted tenants etc and the said Jn Bell himself and the said Thomasine by Jn Bell her husband as her attorney and deputy were delivered seisin by the steward of the rod to have and to hold the premises with appurtenances to said Thomasine and her assigns for life and after her death to the said Jn Bell for life and after his death to the uses abovementioned and they gave the lord fine etc