Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr84)

18.4.1723 (Thursday 18 April 1723)

document 41500237

at a court held 25.7.1721 Jon Negus of Poplar in county of Middlesex mariner was admitted to him and heirs to all that tenement called Filbrids Lophams and Windmillhill and a parcel of land to it belonging containing 2r more or less and to one croft of land and pasture called Walnutt Tree Croft containing 5a more or less the said premises are situate and lying in Earls Colne late the lands and tenements of Rose Abbutt in tenure of     Crabb widow now to this court appears to homage that said Jon Negus since the last court died seised and that Rachel Nelly wife of Francis Nelly of Poplar mariner daughter and true heir of the said Jon Negus after which comes here into court Rachel Negus by Argor Negus her attorney legitimately appointed and humbly petitions etc admitted to premises etc giving fealty etc