Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr85)

4.5.1739 (Friday 4 May 1739)

document 42300728

at this court lord and lady of the manor did out of their special grace and favour grant by and with the consent of the homage unto Jn Chaplin and his heirs all that piece or parcel of waste ground whereof he has lately built a tenement taken out of the widow road leading from Earls Colne towards Coggeshall adjoining to Hungrey Hall yard within said manor which piece of ground contains in length 15rod and three quarters and in breadth 3rod3ft of a size and in full court said lords by steward granted seisin thereof by rod to have and hold etc paying annual rent of 6d suit of court and other services and gave his fine etc and did fealty to lords for the same