Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr67)

3.7.1417 (Saturday 3 July 1417)

document 55400945

fine 3d at this court Wm Petibon surrendered out of the court into the hands of Jn Turnor bailiff of this manor in the presence of Robt Sebright Jn Passemer and other of the tenants one messuage with a garden adjoining and a parcel of land containing 2a called Bredgemans parcel of the tenement aforesaid to the use of Robt Dyn to whom the lady granted thereof seisin to hold to the same Robt his heirs and assigns yielding therefore yearly to the lady her heirs and attorneys 8s by year at the usual terms and he gives fine etc and the said Robt or his attorney shall repair maintain and keep up the said messuage well and competently with their own proper costs and charges forever