Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr67)

31.8.1422 (Monday 31 August 1422)

document 55900322

fine 20d item it was shown by an inquisition that Wm Gentry out of court languishing in extremis surrendered into the hands of Jn Turnor bailiff of this manor in the presence of Jn Rouncy Jn Hyne and other tenants of the lord one tenement with appurtenances called Gentry to the use of Kath his wife to whom the lord granted thereof seisin to hold to the same said Kath during her lifetime from the lord at the will of the lord by ancient services and customs etc thus that after the death of the said Kath the aforesaid tenement should remain to Alice the daughter of the same to whom the lord granted thereof seisin for her lifetime from the lord at the will of the lord by ancient services etc and if it should happen that the aforesaid Kath and Alice should die before the aforesaid tenement should remain to Jn Hyne Robt Sebryth Jn Turnor and Jn Bray to sell by the lord's licence and with the money thereof arising the aforesaid Jn Robt Jn and Jn or their attorneys or appointees or appointee should make celebration of a mass suitable for a chaplain in the church of the aforesaid Colne for one year for the souls of the aforesaid Wm Kath his wife and Alice their daughter and all their good works well and faithfully and the residue to pay their debts and be distributed in other good works as befitting before the lord at the day of judgement to whom the lord now at this court granted thereof seisin to hold to the same said Jn Robt Jn and Jn their heirs and assigns from the lord at the will of the lord by ancient services and customs etc and upon the aforesaid condition and they gave to the lord for a fine etc and made fealty etc