fine 3s4d | to this court came Wm Sorell and Jn Nytynggale and surrendered into the hands of the lord one tenement with garden adjoining with their appurtenances lying between a messuage of Wm Gentry on one part and a messuage of Xian Sonyngwell on the other part one head abutting upon the king's highway leading from Earls Colne towards Colchester sometime of Jn Chamber and afterwards of Thos Kelet and Robt Segg and afterwards of Jn Salvage and Jn Hyne to the use of Rich Skynnere Robt Atte Park and Jn Whrygth to whom the lord now at this court granted thereof seisin to hold to the same said Rich Robt and Jn their heirs and assigns from the lord at the will of the lord by ancient services and customs etc and they gave to the lord for a fine etc and made fealty etc |