Earls Colne heriot by deed inquisition
Robt Atte Park
whereas at a court here held on
the friday next before the feast of st martin 10.11.20Edw3
it was shown by an inquisition that
who was the wife of
Hen Stepvene
held etc one messuage which was of
Steph of Beuchamp
and there was heriot etc and they say that
Hen Stepvene
chaplain was the next heir etc item
Robt Atte Park
daughter of
Jn Borlee
came and surrendered into the hands of the lord one tenement containing five acrewar of customary land to the use of
Wm Atte Heye
his wife and their heirs by the services and customs etc item
Adam Smyth
his wife came and took of the lord's demesne at Colfordhell one plot of land c ontaining in length 2rod and a half of land and in breadth 1rod opposite the tenement of
Jn Sergeant
to hold to the same by the services of 2d etc item
Jas Kyng
came and received of the lord's demesne at
one plot of land containing in length 46ft and in breadth to the edge of the said plot 28ft as shown by the metes and bounds for the service of 2d per annum |