inquisition seizure | and inquisition of the office taken upon the oath of Jn Wryght Jn Soneld Rich Skynnere Jn Tyler senior Jn Payne Wm Bohame Jn Asheford Thos Stapell Ralph Nicholl Edm Goldyng Jn Grove and Jn Parke Robt Kente Thos Dyne Jn Roger Wm Frances Thos Prince and Jn Marche sworn who say that Margery Lyteman who held from the lord at the will one tenement with garden adjoining sold and alienated to Rich Noth the said tenement with garden without licence from the lord and that Jn Talworth sold and alienated to Jn Soneld one cottage with a certain garden adjoining late of Rich ===hess without licence of the lord therefore it is presented to the bailiff to seize into the hands of the lord the said cottage and garden and thereof to return to the lord of the profits until etc |