Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr68)

6.6.1441 (Tuesday 6 June 1441)

document 57301006

fine 3s4d and Thos Stapul Jn Drew and Ralph Noke present in court surrendered into the hands of the lord two cottages sometime of Wm At Wodes called Gosses and Prudmans lying between a tenement of Ralph Noke on one part and a tenement of Jn Ballard on the other part with appurtenances in Earls Colne to the use of Wm Bome Kath his wife and Jn Auncely and their heirs to whom by the steward seisin was granted thereof to have and to hold to them their heirs and assigns by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by the services and customs etc saving the rights etc and they gave for a fine etc and made fealty to the lord etc