fine 2s | and to this same court came Thos Clerk who held his estate with Jn Tredgold and Ralph Kebbell now deceased and surrendered into the hands of the lord one tenement lying next to the cemetery of the church of Earls Colne on the south part with a certain purpresture lying on the south part of the same said tenement as is thus enclosed there with fencing together with another purpresture lying on the other part of the way there opposite the said tenement which lately was of Thos Gernon's with a certain stable situated next to and adjoining the gates of the manor there opposite the king's highway on the north part with one croft of land lying next to Berecroft sometime of Roger Mordon more or less with appurtenances to the use of Giles Prior Juliana his wife Jn Porter Jn March Wm Clerk and Wm Belde to whom was granted seisin thereof to hold to the same said Giles Prior Juliana his wife Jn Porter Jn March Wm Clerk and Wm Belde their heirs and assigns from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord and according to the custom of the manor by the ancient services and customs etc saving the right etc and they gave the lord for a fine as shown etc and made fealty |