Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr70)

9.6.1500 (Monday 9 June 1500)

document 59701676

fine 20dto this court came Wm Beald which had estate with Jn Ridnale now dead of and in one toft with two crofts of land to the same toft adjoining called Gosses the Reve and surrendered the said toft and crofts of land into the lord's hands to the use of Margt Ridnale late wife of Jn for the term of her life to whom seisin is delivered by the rod etc doing and yielding the services and rents therefore accustomed etc and after the death of the said Margt the land wholly to remain to Agnes Ridnale daughter of Jn and Jn Hegge their heirs and assigns only to the use of the said Agnes her heirs and assigns to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor yielding therefore the rents and services etc