item that pain 9d Wm Olmested hath a ditch lying towards the highway containing 6rods and Jn Sparrowe hath a ditch toward the highway containing 3rods 3d and that Jn Sounedaie hath a ditch leading toward the park 4rods and Lingwood's wife hath a ditch toward Perys containing 30rods and that Jn Rich Curlewe hath a ditch adjoining to the park containing 4rods and that the same Rich hath a ditch leading toward the park containing 4rods and Edw Wastelin hath a ditch toward Curds Lane containing 4rods and Walt Tedder hath a ditch against Periesfield toward the common meadow containing 4rods item Rich Curlewe hath a ditch toward Sladelond containing 4rods and Ann Neshfield (Alice Neshfield ) for her fence against Robt Bieston