Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr70)

13.6.1508 (Tuesday 13 June 1508)

document 60400454

and it is found by the homage that Jn Wro which held jointly with Sibil late his wife to them and their heirs according to the custom of the manor one purpresture or one piece of land containing 1a or land or more or less lying between the highway leading from Earls Colne toward Coggishall between the park pale on the west side and one head abutteth upon the land of Jn Paycocke as by the meets etc is more plainly appeareth here on friday the morrow after st kath the virgin in the 19Edw4 and the same Jn died seised of such estate since the last court etc and the foresaid Sibil overlived him and came to this court and made fealty to the lord