fine 3s4d it appears to the homage that Jn Fonnttyes alias Boteler died after the last court and before his death out of this court and after the last court surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Thos Hunte and Jn Tilwicke tenants of the lord witnessing one croft of customary land with appurtenances called Bermannds and two crofts of land with appurtenances called Rowceys and one piece of land with appurtenances called Pellesland lying in Baremanfield to the use of Jn Eyers prior of the Priory of Colne aforesaid according to the last will and testament of the aforesaid Jn Fonttys and Jn Moteham and the heirs and assigns of the said Jn Moteham to sell and the money arising to be disposed of by the said Jn Eyers and his assigns according to the tenor of the last will of the aforesaid Jn Fonnteys which Jn Eyers and Jn Motham present in court came and petitioned admittance and because it appears so to the homage therefore they are admitted tenants of the lord and seisin delivered to them to hold to them and the heirs of the said Jn Moteham in form aforesaid of the lord by the rod etc and they gave the lord the fine etc