to the most reverend father in god
lord legate and cardinal archbishop of York and chancellor of England in most humble wise showeth unto your good lordship your daily orator
prior of the house and priory of our blessed lady and st john evangelist in Earls Colne Essex where one
Robt Parke
clerk late parson of the church of Colne Engaine being aged and disposed to live in good quietness and rest about three years past made pay at instance and now your said orator that is would please him to take and accept the full order disposition and whole profit of his said benefice and parsonage of Colne Engaine during the life of the same
and for the same to appoint the said sober and honest chamber within the said priory and meat and drink and maintenance during his life thereupon it was promised agreed concluded and condescended# between your said orator and the said
for a certain sum of money paid by your said orator unto the said
that the same
should make unto your said orator a good and sufficient lease by writing under his seal of the said parsonage of Colne Engaine for three years to three years during the lifetime of the said
and that the said
should be bound by the said writing as to be made that he should
seisin nor permit his said parsonage without the assent of your said orator and that your said orator for the said lease and other
so to be had should be bounden by
seal unto the said
that the said
should have and enjoy an honest chamber within Colne Priory and also sufficient meat drink wood# candle washing and other necessaries to the same priory as the cost of the said priory and convent during the life of the said
that your said orator having full trust that the said
would have performed his promise concerning the agreements before said in his
to be done sealed and delivered unto the said
an obligation and
seal for the sure performance of the promise concerning
and months# afore rehearsed to be had and performed on the behalf of your said orator and abbey and your said orator hath divers and many times required the said
to accomplish and perform his said agreements and commences by his writing to be made sufficient in the law according to his promise aforesaid yet that to do the said
hath always refused and yet doth and also hath subtly and craftily resigned and put away the said parsonage without the consent of your said orator yet nevertheless detaineth and keepeth still some from your said orator his said obligation under his
seal and divers other sums of money which the said
received and had of your said orator and
the trust of the accomplishment of the promises concerning and agreements above rehearsed to the loss and
of your said orator of 40li or above and
to put the said obligation in suit at the common law and to recover of your said orator the sum therein contained without any occasion# against all right and good conscience and for as much as your said orator hath no speciality in writing of the said premises in as much and agrenteth nor yet knoweth
the law not the sum of his said obligation within he standeth bound be therefore remediless for reformation of the promises or even recompence therefore by the course of the common law yet may it therefore please your good lordship the premises considered to grant a writ of subpoena to be delivered unto the said
Robt Parke
ordering him by the same to appear before the king in his court of chancery at a day specified and limited and to answer the premises and to be compelled to bring into the said court the said obligation there to be cancelled and further there to be ordered in the premises
and good conscience and your said orator shall daily pray etc