Chancery Depositions (PRO C1/436/24 Ann Petytt v Thos prior of Colne)

1500 (1500)

document 14800005

(date uncertain) Ann Petytt directed to the archbishop of York chancellor of England Ann Pettyt widow late wife of Wm Pettyt of Essex gentleman that whereas the said Wm was seised of and in the manor of Sherrifs (torn) the premises enfeoffed Humph Conynges constable of the king's justices of his pleas before himself to be held and others to give (torn) and testament and the said Wm made by his last will and by the same declared that the same feoffees should stand and be seised of the premises (torn) as by the same will ready to be shown more plainly appears and after the said Wm died and after the death the said feoffees were seised of (torn) and after that the said Ann made a release of the manor with appurtenances to one Jn Coppyng for certain years and made him bailiff thereof (torn) the writings to the manor belonging for the maintenance of the said Coppyng and to gather his rent and now as it the gracious lord (torn) other writings to the said oratrix unknown for that she can have no remedy by the course of common law in consideration hereby (torn) to the premises and whereupon to be relieved according to right and custom this for the law of god and in the way of the charter (torn) pledges Thos Oakley husbandman and Rich Hammond skinner Jn Woode