Chancery Depositions (PRO C24/239/46 depositions: Edw earl of Oxford v Roger and Rich Harlakenden)

23.4.36Eliz1 (Tuesday 23 April 1594)

document 17401288

seven that the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances which the said earl in true meaning by common and credible report sold unto the said defendant the writing being made as it was also said in the name of the said Rich Harlakenden so to the said Roger are of the yearly value of 50li or thereabouts of ancient rent but this deponent saith that the said Roger Harlakenden doth claim by virtue of general words contained in the deed of bargain and sale of the said lands all the portions of tithes lately belonging unto the said priory and also a certain parcel of ground lying in Halstead called Playstow and by report a certain tenement at Castle Henningham but what quantity of ground belongeth to that tenement this deponent hath not heard