Chancery Depositions (PRO C24/239/46 depositions: Edw earl of Oxford v Roger and Rich Harlakenden)

26.4.1594 (Friday 26 April 1594)

document 17401398

two that he remembreth that at lent last past was two years the said Edm Felton upon occasion of speech did tell unto this deponent at this deponent's house in London that he had been to speak with Roger Harlakenden then lying sick and quoth Felton he owed him money which he should pay at certain days " and should enter into bonds unto me for it and because of his sickness for troubling him I cannot come to speak with him and if he should die I cannot tell how to come by my money " protesting the same with an oath but what sums of money the same were or for what cause the money should be owing or that the said bond should be given by the said Roger Harlakenden whether upon the consideration in the illegible text mentioned or not he cannot depose nor anything else can say that at or about the same speech between Felton and this deponent the said Felton moved this deponent to purchase certain lands belonging to the earl of Oxford which the said Roger Harlakenden had then commission from his lordship to sell wherein he said there was a great pennyworth to be had and whether it was any of the lands in the interrogatory mentioned or not he cannot tell but saith that Felton spake of the lands of the said earl that were thereupon sold and then he answered and told the said Felton again that if Roger Harlakenden had commission to sell the lands it were good that he sold it the best he could for his lord's use and that this deponent would not meddle with it unless he had it and bought it as a stranger would and give for it and then told unto Felton that if Roger Harlakenden and he do sell the land in that order as they went about their dealings therein would come in question another day and Felton replied again and said that there could not any question arise about it by any law because Roger Harlakenden had commission to sell the land and further adding that since the land was to be sold as well this deponent and he and Harlakenden to gain by it as another but this deponent not liking the motion refused utterly to deal in it concluding that whereas this deponent had served the said earl so long a time as he had done it should not be said that this deponent had in any way colluded with him or words to like effect