two that this deponent was present at a trial for certain lands at the assizes holden at Brentwood Essex some eight years since or thereabouts in an action which was brought by one
Thos Prior
against one
Wm Adams
clerk and this deponent saith that one
Robt Parker
of Earls Colne Essex yeoman was then produced to be a witness in the said cause and this deponent also saith that sir
Hen Montagu
then one of his majesties justices of assize of the said county before whom the said cause was tried did question the said
whether he did know the lands then in question or no whereupon he answered that he did and being demanded which way the said lands did lie he made answer east west north and south and thereupon the said sir
Hen Montagu
replied in these or the like words viz " so thou standeth and all grounds lie so " whereto the said
answered in these or the like words viz " by god my lord look to it for it is freehold land " and this deponent saith that then presently after it was proved to be copyhold land and then the said sir
Hen Montagu
standing up told the said
that he was crooked in body and crooked in conditions further saying that another place were fitter for him than the place where he then was and so commanded him to be taken out of the then court and more etc to the rest of the articles not examined by direction
Thos Allen