Chancery Depositions (PRO C24/498 pt 2 piece 6 depositions: Rosse v Harlakenden)

14.6.1623 (Saturday 14 June 1623)

document 17801446

six that it is very true that Robt Partridge the father of the said Robt Partridge that was the late husband of the now complainant Rose did assure divers lands in Beddingham Suffolk of the yearly value of 20s or thereabouts for the jointure of the said Rose then his said son's wife and albeit he cannot now remember the certain time when these lands were so assured unto her for her jointure yet he is very certain that the same were so assured after such time as she the said Rose had surrendered the said tenement and lands to the use of the said Robt Partridge her husband and his heirs as is before declared in his answer to the third interrogatory for he saith that he doth very well remember that the said old Robt Partridge did much stand upon it and would not by any means yield to the assuring of any lands for the jointure of her the said Rose until he did truly know and had certain notice that she the said Rose had first surrendered the said tenement and lands in due sort and according to the custom of the manor unto the use of the said Robt Partridge her husband and his heirs and that being or known to be done by her then and not before he the said older Robt Partridge did assure the said lands for her jointure as aforesaid and this he saith is all he can say to this interrogatory Jn Salter